The Standard

Reduces the cost of less expensive, but it is noteworthy business people are the solution of course conducted in small groups, you always get more attention from teachers than learning in the standard group and combined courses that combine learning in a group with individual lessons. Combined course, not only can significantly reduce the costs of training, but also to combine the advantages of studying in a group with the advantages of individual training. In group teaching load per student is not so high due to the diversity of situations, arrayed teacher during a lesson and involvement of many actors. The disadvantage of group learning is the inability to pass the material at their own pace, and the impossibility of teacher pay you 100% of his attention during the lesson. This disadvantage can be compensated by taking a few private lessons in addition to an intensive course in the standard group or small group. Through additional individual lessons intensity of your training may be higher than the standard, at a total cost of education will not be too high due to the presence of the group component. Many language schools offer a very popular solution: 20 lessons in mini-group plus 10 private lessons per week.

This load can withstand much more than 3-4 weeks: 6, 12 or even 20 weeks is not the limit. Practice shows that 30 lessons per week – the optimal load for long-term learning. However, individual studies significantly increase the cost of long-term program. Optimize the maximum Keeping in stock 4, 6 or 9 months that you are willing to spend on studying English abroad, you can safely choose a course in the standard group.