
She is a woman of 40 years who was born and lives in Africa. Three young children seen as placing a pot with water with something on fire. And they continue looking like hypnotized. Soon the water vapor caracolea cheerful on the bowl. They are eight o’clock in the afternoon and the Sun is about to be.

Children watch the steam peering. Finally, defeat them the dream. The woman puts out the fire and tends with his sons. On the inside of the pot there is only water and stones. It is not literature. It is a real event that I read in some material from Intermon Oxfam: the appeal of a woman sub-Saharan so that their children fall asleep without anguish, despite not having nothing to dinner. The shame of hunger again plaguing the planet. Two World Food Summit (1996 and 2002) undertook to eradicate it as global objective of development and the Millennium Summit (2000) approved to reduce hunger by half by 2015.

But today there are more hungry people. According to figures from FAO, the UN agency to combat hunger, in 1990 there were 823 million hungry people and in 2007, 861. In addition to that failure that the increase in the price of food has caused a real crisis of hunger. In 2007, the price of food increased by 40%, denounces the FAO. The price of rice has exceeded the $1,000 per tonne (47% increase in a month). And wheat, corn and soybeans have doubled its price in a year. Price increases that affect Mexico, Indonesia and Yemen, which does not suffer food emergencies. In China, the price of food has risen by 21%. Nobody is protected from inflation contagion, proclaims the editorial of a newspaper, as if it were a viral epidemic. But hunger is not unpredictable catastrophe, misfortune or sent by the gods or cataclysm of the destination.

House Time

The rent of houses is necessary when it does not have enough money to buy one. There are even cases in which the rent of a dwelling to the purchase as a way to avoid various problems faced by the owners is preferred.When the search for housing begins to rent should take enough time to assess several factors before giving the final Yes. In addition to the look and the price of housing should take into account the quality and safety of the building. It is also advisable to consider the neighborhood where it is located.Topics such as orientation, ventilation and noise of the housing must be taken into account when it comes to realize the rent of houses, since this will depend on the comfort and feel comfortable in a new home. It is not advisable to start looking for House to rent with long time in advance. Arrange the rent of houses, once the tenant has decided to rent it, is usually resolved quickly so there may be another person who rent the House elected before that one. The time that has to be calculated to move and start searching with no more than one month in advance. Start to search for rents of houses with little time in advance would prevent see several options that can be interesting, nobody wants to move rushed to the first that is. It would be good to see various departments, at least four or five, before making a decision. But too much time in advance to search for rents of houses is not advisable since opportunities may be lost by the inability to realize the business at the right time.

Dogs And Babies

When dogs and babies have to wrangle the issue of dogs and babies is one of the most stressful points for all those dog owners who also are to become parents in the short term. In my life I had to go through this situation when several years ago, he was married and childless even and had a beautiful specimen male of the race Doberman.Hasta that moment had never occurred I think important and sensitive topic dogs and babies. When the time came for the birth of my daughter I account that had made several mistakes with my dog brought me moments of anguish and stress, which led me to have to rethink my way to educate a dog and start studying and put in practice some of the things that I’m going to teach today. It is because he has lived this experience firsthand that I can fully understand the distress and concern of many people who has a dog and a few years later become parents and have to face the difficult situation for your beloved dog to accept and receive with pleasure and tranquility to the new Member of the family, also for being the first generating many expectations and strong emotions in the family, relegating a last plane relationship with the dog.

Very important things do not forget that when we adopt or buy a dog we are inviting a carnivorous predator to our House. By more United that we feel our dog we must know that we are two different species and is our responsibility as parents and dog owners to protect our children, and make sure that dtanto them as our dog can coexist harmoniously with safety and happiness. Unfortunately it will not happen automatically and it will be us who will do this from happening through a responsible education. More bites half serious and deaths occurring from attacks by dogs are suffering by children 5 to 9 years, but babies are particularly vulnerable! A baby can be somewhat confusing to a dog if you have never seen one. Babies smell different to adults, his physical form is different, and emit sounds and they move very different. for dogs with a strong predatory instinct size and weakness of a baby can trigger an attack. It is also common and logical family is devoting attention exclusively to the baby and the dog pass into the background. If your dog has problems of dominance or is obsessed with you,

Deauville a hiperapego relationship and also your you will become father in little time I would like to warn you that it is very dangerous and can have problems. The families that are waiting for the birth of a baby, and having a dog should carefully assess the situation. What is the temperament of the dog, what is the relationship with its owner, these data are very important. If the owner of the dog and future Pope is a weak leader and has allowed that the dog dominates the House, especially if it’s a large, strong breed that has had some sample of aggression in the past, if the dog is accustomed to receiving constant attention and shows territorial and possessive; I recommend you start to find a new home for your dog andtes of the birth of the child. Is that it can sound pretty bad, but is the truth, as father never jeopardize the life of my son. If the dog has been Sociabilizado correctly; not only can coexist peacefully with children but that generally they become its devoted bodyguard and private security agents.

Preparing your dog for the arrival of your baby there are many things you can do to prepare your dog for the arrival of the baby, and what is mas important to teach him to respect the baby as one leader of the herd.There’s that start it before that is possible. Any weakness in the relationship amo-perro, or leader – follower; It must be corrected immediately. If your dog is very dependent and gets anxious when left alone can have dangerous reactions when any change occurs in your herd as for example the arrival of a baby. Practice some things to do: * starts to show you more cold towards the dog much before the baby arrives. * Don’t let your dog follow you like a shadow throughout the House. ** Not let you it sleep with you in your room. * Starts to impose some new rules as for example restrict the places where you allow him that the feels. * Is totally prohibited that enters the room amounting to the baby.

Once you bring baby is born a clothes that smell it, is a way to introduce you to the baby before Lorenzana can see face to face.The first Muestrasela far away and then flames so calmly close to smell it.The dog must always show submissive and quiet when you smell the baby.Gives you an award with words, caresses, and some candy if he is quiet. When arrive at your House with motherhood baby don’t let that dog is inside. * After for awhile and if it is quiet allow him to enter the House. You must make him clear is in the House baby and not the dog. ** The first approach should be performed slowly and observing the reaction of the dog. * Starts allowing you to see it through a window or a door. * Then you’ll gradually allowing him that close, it is quiet and submissive you halagas it with words and caresses. * You must teach your dog that the child is part it and you have to respect it in the same way that respects you to you. Dogs and babies never should stay alone, nor dogs and children who are learning to walk and very full of energy. Do you need more information? Want to find out everything about the canine psychology and conduct?