Black Photography

Sponsors expect 300 invited guests of to exclusive event on September 14th at the Hamburg art gallery Shiseido and Olsen. Hamburg, September 13, 2011. La Vie en Rose”is the motto of the preview of EYES ON PARIS” on September 14 in the House of photography of the DEICHTORHALLEN Hamburg. Around 300 hand-picked guests follow the invitation of the DEICHTORHALLEN Hamburg, the cosmetics group Shiseido and the Hamburg fashion brand Olsen to the exclusive preview of the exhibition initiated the event by Simone Bruns (arts & communication agency), Jutta English Cirener (Shiseido) and Dorothee Ingwersen (Olsen). “The dress code sparkling pink & Black” dominated color also the French culinary of the Rose wine up to pink Macarons. In a beauty lounge by Shiseido, the guests have the possibility to refresh their look by professional make-up artists.

The exhibition curated by Hans-Michael Koetzle and Ingo Taubhorn presents photographs and books from international collections. Interpreted by camera artists shows EYES ON PARIS in the 20th century”the many facets of Paris from 1890 to today and others with rare Vintagebildern by Eugene Atget, Brassai, Mario von Bucovich, Rene Burri, and Robert Doisneau. The sensation of the exhibition is the facsimile of Shinzo Fukuharas Paris et la Seine”by 1939 Fukuhara was not only an innovative photographer but also the son of the founder of Shiseido, which built the paternal pharmacy into a modern international cosmetics company. Jutta English Cirener, Public Relations Shiseido Germany, explains: Shinzo Fukuharas special image aesthetic has influenced the Visual language of the company. “We are very pleased that his photographic work now, for the first time in Germany in the context of fair EYES ON PARIS” will be appreciated. With our commitment to the House of photography of the DEICHTORHALLEN Hamburg Shiseido underscores the continuing reference of the company to the art.” Dorothee Ingwersen, Chief of the communications team of Olsen says: fashion and photography are for Olsen already always closely interwoven.

Active Holidays And Romantic Art Enjoyment In One

The painter way week of 01 to 08 August 2010 in the Saxon Switzerland take a fantastic rock scenery as a backdrop, stripe over his shoes, up grab a brush and canvas and let then gleefully inspired. Like the painter Caspar David Friedrich as Bernardo Bellotto made it 200 years ago probably – a trend that is popular to this day. “Under the motto active holidays and romantic art enjoyment in one” cordially invites therefore the Tourism Association Saxon Switzerland e.V.: painter way week “from 01 to 08 August 2010. The painter way week combines painting courses with guided hiking tours on the Malerweg in the Saxon Switzerland. Interested parties meet for”artists from the region who know the best places to paint and draw in the nature, Yvonne Bruckner, project manager enthuses holidays by the Tourism Association. What are the prospects preferred Caspar David Friedrich, Ernst Ferdinand Oehme and Carl Gustav Carus? Gave the painter himself what life? We answer these questions during the courses or the excursions with certified guides of the National Park at length”, as Bruckner. Package painter way week”is available for four or eight days in the Saxon Switzerland.

Guests themselves choose on which days they prefer brushes and paint, or the hiking boots. Also the choice of accommodation is flexible of rustic hiking pensions up to the five-star luxury hotel is everything. Time knowledge is not required. Yvonne Bruckner by the Tourist Office recommends however to bring a personal time standard time documents, depending on the desired E.g. watercolours or acrylic paint, brushes, and don’t forget good shoes for the 4-up 6 painter way tours. For Caspar David Friedrich, the art was once mediator between nature and man.

His creative power was in the observation of nature. Similarly, it is the artists of the region today. Can be – seen at work over the shoulder them on the occasion of the painter way day on August 8th – the highlight of the painter way week. Then present etc. Painters of the Art Association Saxon Switzerland e.V. passion image-rich in the Uttewalder reason, Schramm stones and many other locations along the route of the painter. Several times awarded it is one of the most beautiful and oldest hiking routes in Germany. With his name, the Malerweg pays homage to the artists who held the Saxon Switzerland, their grace and majestic broadcast on screens in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Because Scientology

With the outbreak of the second world war, he enlisted as a Lieutenant in the Navy of the United States and served as captain on several corvettes the U boat defence. in 1945 he was considered disabled permanently, after he had suffered combat eye injury and paralysis. By applying his knowledge of mind and spirit, he was not only able to help other members of the armed forces; He was able to recover eventually, even his own health. After five years of intensive work, L. Ron Hubbard of the world presented his discoveries in his book “Dianetics: A Guide to the human mind” before. A book, which immediately became a bestseller. As the first general guide about the human mind, which had been specially written for the “man on the street”, Dianetics heralded a new era of hope for the people and a new phase of life for the author.

Hubbard researched tirelessly continue. Until late 1951 he had made many more important discoveries and also systematized, which finally resulted in the birth of a new religion: the Scientology religion. Because Scientology the entirety of life addressed and explained there is no aspect of human existence, which was not raised in L. Ron Hubbard’s subsequent work. He lived in the United States as well as in England and developed solutions for social problems such as the decline in the level of education and the consequences of the world’s exploding drug use during his further research. Total amount to L. Ron Hubbard’s works in the fields of Dianetics and Scientology to over 40 million words in 5000 fonts, including dozens of books, and over 3000 tape lectures. Taken together these works make up the legacy of his life, which ended on January 24, 1986.

But the demise of L. Ron of Hubbard’s meant an end in any way. Over one hundred million of his books are in circulation and every day millions of people use his findings to the improvement of life. More information: press-service of the SK Bayern e.V., be Anichstrasse 12, 80802 Munich, contact: Uta Eilzer, TEL. 089-38607-145, FAX. 089-38607-109,