In February

Renewed decline in industrial production. Already more than half a monthly dynamics industry is extremely unstable, following the positive months required a period of decline in production. After the January issue of growth in February, production fell by 0,6% (taking into account seasonal and calendar effect). Mining operations in February, output growth has continued (January – 0,2%, February – 0.3 percent). Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water after consecutive monthly increase since September 2009 to January 2010, resumed again in February, a decline (-0.3 percent). The main element of instability in the monthly dynamics of the industry makes the activity of manufacturing.

After the January increase by 1,2% (from except for seasonal and calendar) in February, production fell by 1,5%. The largest decrease occurred in the metals and fabricated metal products (-5.6%), manufacture of machinery and equipment (-2.1%), textile and clothing industry (-2.9%), chemicals (-2.2 percent). The largest positive contribution was made by the production of vehicles and equipment – with the exception of seasonal growth was 9.8% in to January. Total industrial production in February was 1.9% higher than last year. The main contribution to the annual growth have made the production and distribution of electricity, gas and water, which rose by 7,2% in relation to February 2009 and mining operations – the growth of 6,6%. Manufacturing production for the year increased production of only 0,8%. In February 2010, real disposable income increased compared to February 2009 2,4%, for two months, compared with the corresponding period last year – by 8,1 percent.

Portfolio Manager

More and more farms and farmers hedge against impending crop failures and price risks through direct their own investments in the commodity market. More and more farms and farmers hedge against impending crop failures and price risks through direct their own investments in the commodity market; in particular with future titles in the agricultural and food sector. Is the increase in requests for professionally managed commodity day trading accounts according to the int. Institute of business & Advisory (IBA), also on an increased media coverage has been strengthened during the last few months around the subject of speculation in food and beverages. The primary reason is the opportunities for farmers, to protect themselves against imminent price falls in wheat or corn with a managed account prior to harvest, for this group of investors”, says Alexander Fischer, of the care of self-employed farmers for Presto financial services Ltd. manages and co-ordinates.

The possibility of having to accept not only a final sales price, but to be able to benefit from falling prices in the run-up to the gathering of the harvest”, take care of great interest among farmers even if parent roof and lobby organisations. The product created specifically for individuals and farmers farmers portfolio also offers the possibility, individualized, specific commodity Title Act to be able to leave, so Presto. Speculation does not mean as often misrepresented, exclusively to more expensive products, speculation goes in both directions, so too, you want to make profits through lower prices. Producers as also customers from industry need competition. Follow thus market trends and price targets in the short term; sometimes only a few minutes or hours. Finally, so was about the portfolio managers since the beginning of the year in over 80% of all transactions falling prices set to and yield generated, there down considerably more price corrections are, as a long-term and persistent upward trend,”said Fischer. Anders are as in the foreign exchange market (Forex) for raw materials import and export numbers, delivery reports, stocks, weather forecasts or the loss of quality of the fruits of the harvest price making significantly. Speculators ultimately follow these figures and form her judgment, whether a return is achieved with positions on rising or falling prices for the customers.

Also, not the necessary liquidity is taken and investors can move at any time if necessary in other investment opportunities. Day trading accounts mean daily availability”. Small investors, farmers or peasants are configuring price their engagements on the commodity market, never in any way or even determining Active”, the responsible and regulated Portfolio Manager from the Netherlands also adds, because the proportion of volume moving in the market is devastating low compared to hedge funds or other institutions. Farmers, farmers or even interested consumer can, like or for premium customers (from 50,000 euro) under provide useful, more information. Of course, all responsible portfolio managers in the control of responsible regulatory and supervisory authorities are subject to.

Stock Market Course

Where to start? In fact it is a basic question for people who are just interested in topics such as investing or speculating in the stock market. In my opinion both of these classes are equally worthy to receive income through trading. Both of these classes – Investing and speculation are also equally important for the existence of exchange – a much-needed economic tool to attract capital. We will definitely consider in What is this need in the relevant section. I think that somehow easier to do something if it's something else to do something and need.

This series of articles I write based on my lecture course for beginners. Here I try a simple and accessible language to talk about the stock market and the processes occurring in it, to the extent that is necessary beginning trader. Of course, this is my personal view of the necessary measure of knowledge to begin with. But You did not come to the university. And I will not give you the theory of money, if the question is how to make decisions about buying and selling shares. Somehow, somewhere I read that investment – is the latest liberal arts. I do not know how to account 'Free' (the farther into the forest, the less time), but then it's art – a fact. And if in your veins, there is little passion (and it is there, because you are still reading), then it is up to you. There is everything to realize your creative building.