Service Interval Engine

If the filter is made of non-conforming filter media, it quickly becomes clogged and the engine “choking”. Pereobogaschennaya working mixture leads to increased fuel consumption and worsen the dynamic properties of the engine. For example, the minimum fuel consumption obtained with excess air for about 20%. Clogged filter can cause loss of power up to 10%. The feeling that the engine “does not pull” and is a symptom of the fact that it was time to change the air filter. It is worth paying attention to another extreme – this is where, despite the dusty road, that time would be in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations? and change the filter, it does not lead to loss of power and can still work. Deceptive “efficiency” will result in sideways – “windfall” of engine failure.

The reasons may be three. The first – an unscrupulous manufacturer uses a filter paper or nonwoven fabric with a larger pore size through which the abrasive particles fly into the engine. Second – poor quality paper is torn and the engine also gets an overdose of dust. And the third – gapping filter raw air rushes into the engine, bypassing the filter element. That avoid unexpected problems should pay attention to the filter material, information on which bona fide filter manufacturers suggest. That material is defined as a filter to deal with this controversial task as an effective filtering and minimum power loss. Resource of 100,000 kilometers: fantasy or reality? Resource filters are the most common cars in Russia is 10-30 thousand? kilometers.

In dusty conditions of the Russian roads (or off-road) real? resource can be two to three times less. Conversely, in winter when the air is clean and fresh, the filter becomes clogged less. While domestic producers job of the production of air filters, which can withstand mezhservisny mileage of 10-30 thousand miles. However, the world’s automotive manufacturers in the new models are increasingly implementing the principle of a large mezhserivsnogo interval -? LSI (Large Service Interval). Air filters for a run at 10-30 thousand miles no longer fits the parameters of LSI. High mileage count? resource of 50 000 kilometers. It can not be achieved by using filters with a curtain of conventional cellulose which physically can not stand so long loads. Acceptable results in 50? 000 kilometers company Hollingsworth & Vose achieved through the use of technology Nanoweb (modified cellulose with a special coating), significantly which increases dust holding capacity filter elements. The material of tomorrow promises to be as corrugated synthetic variable density with an electrostatic charge, which provides a distance of 100 sq km. The principle of the “filter variable density “, made of materials” Hollingsvors “based on the fact that the outer layers of the material acts as a pre-filter. That air filters of new materials and the future belongs.

SPF Skin

Tired of winter, we enjoy the spring sun. And just a few, usually blond and red-haired people are waiting for the approach of spring with undisguised irritation. For them, spring – no lilies of the valley, the first storm and flavor blossoms lilac, spring for them – is, first of all, freckle. What are freckles? Freckles are formed on the skin, which lacks melanin and is producing enough of its tissues. It is known that melanin delays ultraviolet the sun’s rays and prevents them to reach deeper layers of skin.

However, when it is not enough, the skin produces a new defense mechanism – the freckles. Freckles – a cluster of pigment spots, which, like pitfalls attract the sun’s rays and prevent them from damaging the adjacent, less-protected skin. Therefore, in the autumn and winter when the sun is not so much freckles disappear. As you can see, the wise nature protects our skin from sunburn with by freckles. Here are just a trace of the holders of “sun kissed” are often unwilling to accept appearance of spots on their skin and with varying degrees of success are struggling with freckles, a variety of ways.

Bouquet Flowers

You can not imagine our life without flowers, they accompany us with you anytime and anywhere. When we are born – my father brought my mother flowers in the maternity ward. On birthdays, 8-March and other holidays we give flowers. Even when we go into another world, we still bring our loved ones flowers. People always give flowers, even in spite of financial difficulties. People continue to spend their money, and sometimes large sum for the purchase of flowers. There is the question why? The answer is simple: flowers can magically make a person a strong emotional impact.

Color, smell, nice composition – all this works together irresistibly. This is similar to the influence which feel when you heard a great melody, a brief, but if it "takes a soul," then listen to it with trepidation and excitement. That's it for excitement and pay the money, buying bouquets. This explains the answer to question: how to avoid mistakes when buying a flower arrangement or just a bouquet? Osnovopologayuschim thing to consider is the personality of who is buket.Esli You know what this person likes flowers, then they should form the basis a bouquet, or at least be present in it. This ensures that you will choose the right. But what if the recipient of a bouquet of preference known? Or you do not know what size to choose bouquet? Then we can use following simple way. To your taste choose a bouquet, and then visualize the recipient of this bunch of flowers. If the above image you feel beautiful and harmonious, the bouquet should be taken, it must enjoy the receiver.

Corporate Events

Today we talk about corporate events, how to better organize and oformit.Dlya which we work to live or live to work? I think each of us more than once asked myself this question. We wake up Every morning a whooping alarm ringing and we think that will take us to an interesting day, we are waiting for news, happy events, but instead gray workaday offices, disgruntled managers and unhappy counterparts. We discussing with them the daily gossip, which is always lacking in any group, and for the monotonous work day and wait for the arrival of the long-awaited evening. In the evening at home tired and devastated we are waiting for the TV with an empty TV shows and goofy news. In such a sad cycle is our life, the only bright spots are the holidays and holiday vyhodnye.Vsyaky associated with childhood, with gifts, with recreation and fun. We are waiting holidays, because they help us to find happiness. If happiness is too much, it will grow into commonplace and cease to be.

And if it is too small, then life would seem hopeless to us, and we do not can be given to fully work. How to make our lives filled and saturated? There is one simple way is to carry out corporate events. Our favorite work, our team will be expensive to us and even more expensive beloved, if we spend with him not only working vremya.Korporativny holiday – Day of the company's foundation can be arranged in a skit.

The Hood

On that note, they decided – to be four gas cylinders of 30 liters each. True, the cost of this kit has risen by 14 thousand. … So, for ease of installation removed the hood, the front wheels, remove the duct, the air filter box, the top half of the intake manifold, battery and washer tank glass. At the same time as a mechanic, Dmitry was made metal frame to fit the luggage compartment "Nissan", which later served as the locker frame. In the frame enclosed and secured with metal straps four gas tank (30 liters size 200h1052 mm, a Polish company Stako).

Next cylinders connected in parallel between a copper tubing. One of the tubes went on ride-recharging device (OVC), which is located in the tank hatch and need to refuel the car with gas, and the second – on the gas valve, located under the floor, in rear of the car. By the way, this valve is used for cutting off gas supply when the machine is switched off or running on gasoline. A similar unit is placed on the gas and gear under the hood. Between both valves are connected backbone tube, passing underneath the car away from the friction and heat-generating components. The very specificity of the machine on propane-butane is quite simple: the gas, moving in a liquefied state in gear and evaporating from the cooling system, the hose goes to the gas filter, whose task is to purify the vapor phase (also built into the filter temperature sensors, gas pressure and vacuum collectors).

Current Market

Today in the labor market, a new procedure for recruiting – Executive search. Executive search will provide an opportunity to find the footage, while not relying on the general information of recruitment. This method enables not only direct access to potential candidates for the position, but also cancels such inherent factors, such as a resume or a response to published vacancy. Vacancies occur in a variety of companies, then, depending on the characteristics of functioning, and are specified requirements for candidates, and this makes each unique job. Statistics confirm that the footage, and is the opinion of 72% of managers are the main capital of the organization, on the other hand, only a shortage of qualified personnel may nullify any activity. Specialists in the labor market rather small.

In addition, many of them worthy of circulation period jobs, and announcements of open positions do not react, simply because they do not look at them. It is available factors complicate the selection of candidates. Civilized way is obvious – to entrust the selection of talented personnel agency specializing in direct search professionals. In general, the technique uses a recruitment agency Executive search in cases where a particular firm requires a specialist in a particular area or sector. First responsibility of recruitment consultants is to determine the client's needs. Only if very clear task of searching, you can safely wait until the result from the process of recruiting. In order to effectively solve their tasks, staffing agency uses an arsenal of methods: an online resource and business contacts, media, large databases, and, of course, all his vast experience in this field. Work Specialist starts with a deep examination of the market goods or services, operated by the customer.

In describing the appropriate specialist, represented the applicant for the position, specialist recruitment agencies staff to clarify the following details: Current price position in the recruitment market area; technical service positions, professional knowledge and skills required of the applicant; preferred psychological portrait applicant. Based on this information, and is formed by long-list, a very wide range of successful applicants from organizations operating in the same field with the client. The result of providing such a list would be formation of the target market for the subsequent narrowing of selection experts. To understand which of the contenders not only meets all the characteristics, but also psychologically ready to accept the offer, with all establish personal contact. Since the sum short-list of candidates submitted by the client. As a result, the customer selects the candidates from 2-3, the most eligible position. The balance between the wishes of the customer and real need for the development of its business and is a key objective of the employment agency.

Tattooing permanent Makeup

These historians, researchers and scholars as Herodotus, Marco Polo and James Cook, who had the opportunity to learn and talk about the existence of tattooing, its forms and meanings in different countries could not afford even to imagine that derivative of this millennial technology – mikropigmentirovanie (often incorrectly referred to as "Micropigmentation") will become in 1998 one of the "star" procedures in the beauty centers and institutes around the world yesterday and If today to trace the origin of tattooing, its development and application of a cosmetic purposes until the item at a time when the term originated, "mikropigmentirovanie", it becomes clear that everything had changed appliances products, tools, equipment, and finally, the goal, purpose … Sure, the explosion in demand for this type of care, as well as those involved in this sphere of business interests make it possible to foresee in the near future an unprecedented technical leap in the field of aesthetics, which is now difficult to imagine the modern emergence mikropigmentirovaniya, or permanent makeup, we should look at having a one thousand year history of tattooing equipment, of which originate from different systems on the development, application products appliances and accessories which are gradually distancing themselves from their origins in order to become a separate sector of differentiated professional business geographically located where is the birthplace of modern art tattoos? Prevailed among the people is a belief, which gave reason to believe that thousands of years of engineering tattooing originated in China, has recently been refuted by the discoveries, research and development in the field of anthropology, spent in the last decade, they have confirmed the fact of even more ancient the use of tattoos in Europe …! This form of body decoration has been used 8000 years BC. .

Your Choice

First of all, programs are designed for high school graduates. Too many interested in the masters program. Among them are students who have already received a Bachelor’s degree in “Tourism and hotel management” or Bachelors students in different fields, who have changed their preferences and want to work in the hospitality industry in the future. Students who received first degrees in hospitality, come immediately to Masters. For the second option we offer short-term retraining program (Post Graduate), after which they can continue their education at master’s programs.

People turn to us and people are more mature, professional activities which are either already associated with the hospitality or the plan is to start a business hotel and tourism industry. In Swiss schools Alpine Center and DCT students gain the knowledge necessary for them and practical skills for work and management business. Program in the Swiss business – schools are designed for people of different ages with different skills and education. Students come to Switzerland from around the world in order to study the program schools Alpine Center and DCT. In school students from 40 different countries. This is also a big advantage, considering the fact that the hospitality industry – is a truly international environment. How to change the students – their ambitions and views – at the time education in Swiss schools Alpine Center and DCT? Students develop their abilities through active learning.

An obligatory condition is also passing 2-internship at the plant for 20 weeks each for the Swiss Diploma, followed by a bachelor’s degree. During training, the students formed character, develop leadership skills they acquire personal and professional skills to succeed in secondary and higher managerial positions. They begin to realize that companies today are looking for professionals who can compete in the global labor market specialists, who can easily cope with both internal as well global market needs. Students begin to understand that the future global managers must be able to operate in this new environment. Why wait from teaching students the Swiss business school? Coming into our schools, Applicants hoping to gain knowledge and skills, as well as the skills needed to build a successful career in the hospitality industry and tourism management and success in all management levels. There is a counter-question: Is the expectation of graduates? “Beginning his career Alpine Center graduates are different discipline, persistence and high confidence in their abilities and their effectiveness, valuable specific and interdisciplinary skills “- the words of Ms. Hofmann, President, Alpine Center. The level of employment of graduates of the Swiss business school Alpine Center and DCT – 100%. This impressive figure – a direct reflection of the competitive the benefits of our graduates and suggests that students are fully what they wanted to achieve. What do you think, what is the key to the success of your students? Dedication, hard work, perseverance, confidence and the forces, as well as the desire for continuous learning and self-improvement! PS: As you can see, the Swiss higher education – it’s not just prestige. It is also a store of knowledge and skills that will be useful in the future, a brilliant career and guaranteed employment in the tourism industry and hotel hospitality! If you are goal-oriented, active and believe in our strength, higher education in Switzerland – Your Choice!

Accounting Records

Accounting records are now a common practice, which is now used by outsourced services. How does this mechanism work? All dovlno simple and understandable for many, but there is a separate segment of our market, which nepriemlet this service. Outsourcing offers you to remotely supervise your cash flow and accounting and, accordingly, constantly monitor and report to the accounting department. But total control and eefektivanya Analyst reports can show the ineffectiveness of many, and most importantly the concealment of funds, which in itself spoil the reputation of both the company and the outsourcer. Consequently, this ulsuga yavyaletsya only in the distant proper perspective for our market, which thrives drezhitsya afloat by 'black' accounts. Price of production facilities adequate functional Noah (production) of useful things in motion by their lifetime (ie the period in which the movement of an asset relative to the main syascheesya funds authorized to make the function principles which depend earnings to its owner).

The main tool will participate in the process of manufacture long period (over several production cycles), keeping the initial shape and characteristics, but evenly worn and carry their own price for the product made. In agreeing with the principles of accounting value of the production facilities required to share in moderate traffic expected date of operation route of distribution (forgiveness) for reporting periods in which data traffic will force has a capacity of utility (efficiency). This process is called pro amortization of the principal means. Accounting for depreciation is the main principle of mixed doleyu accounting major funds.


Well, now to business. For WordPress users, there are special plugins, but with my system you can without them. Twice, it should be good for Blogger (blogspot), because we do it without any plug-ins. I must say that service is complete, but in this tutorial we will use, not all but only 4. Then, we can will add, I somehow write an extensive list, but first would be enough, especially since we employ the most worthwhile. 1) The first thing will start – it will register the service

This dynamic service from Yandex, with lots of interesting widgets. For registration must be pre-wound mailbox from a Yandex. With that, I think, can handle fast if he is, immediately go to and register a blog. In the settings, in tab "Other Services" select "My Blogs", which specify their main blog. Everything is now with the main blog posts are automatically copied to your "I-blog." 2) The second step in my scheme – registration and LJ Lee. These are two almost the most popular and mass service. In this step, you only need to register a blog no more.

I am very superficially examined the issue, there are plugins for WordPress, which organizes krossposting Learn, but how to organize it case of blogspot, I do not know. Fortunately, quickly found out, so here I am on the issue did not break his head. 3) The next link, one of the most important in the chain – check the blog on the service