Photographer Mayra Martell

NXEL GROVE photographer Mayra Martell reconstructs the life of the missing women. Natural of the city, it began in 2005 to portray the empty places by feminicidio. " The same society is the one in charge of to have turned to Jurez in one of the devastating places but for vivir" , it says. In the mirror of the humble quarter, Erika Cheek stuck a note, one of those lists of desires, intimate objectives that allow you to continue living. The list, stuck to the crystal with four pieces of tape, written with good letter and without misspelling, calls " Goals short and long term ". Erika enunciates the eagerness of a girl of 19 years: " To enter swimming. To work hard to pay the inscription in the school () To paint the house in September.

To buy the chairs of the dining room. To buy shoes to me. To read Plato. To speak and to be likeable with gente". The 11 of December of 2000 Erika disappeared.

She is one of the victims of feminicidio of Jurez City, but its case has not happened to thicken the count of dead (more than thousands in the last fourteen years, according to some sources). As the body of Erika has not been found, its case has happened to thicken the one of children, young people and women – of between 10 and 35 years that disappear. From 2008, they go more than one hundred. " Erika would right now have the same age that I. We would have been amigas" Photographer Mayra Martell was born the same year that Erika (1981). When it entered 2005 in house of the missing person to initiate what then era only a rising project – to document the emptiness, the memory and the tragedy felt that one was not going to be a work more.

The Greek Government

Some Socialists are moving away of the law project, like a deputy by the region of Kozani (North of Greece), who at first granted his vote in favor of the Government, but this Wednesday declared that it will not approve the measures. He is the second deserter of the PASOK in 48 hours. " Problem moral" And it is that the measures to assume by Greece in next the four years are of the maximum severity, whose social justice has been put in doubt even by the own Venizelos. " A problem of moral balance of the measures and justice exists interior" , the new minister of Finances recognized yesterday. Greece considers to perceive by means of the collection of taxes and the cut of the public cost about 28,300 million Euros until the year 2015, of which 6,500 million must enter this same year.

According to the average premises, the Government is forced to reduce the pays in the public sector besides trimming until 2015 the group in a 25%, which is equivalent to 150,000 civil servants. These employees public no longer will perceive allowance increments but more hours will have to work, with one week labor that will happen of 37.5 to 40 hours. The cuts of Venizelos include – by first time in three decades a cut of the budget to buy armament, that in 2013 will lower in 250 million Euros, and other 350 million in 2014. The Ministry of Dnsa, considered in Greece like " government within gobierno" by his enormous budget whose details do not become public, he has cancelled military orders by 830 million Euros. More imposing Thanks to a greater tax burden, the Government hopes to collect about 2,450 million additional Euros east same year and other 3,600 million Euros between 2012 and 2015. The independent professionals, who until now count on many fiscal privileges, will have to pay taxes from annual income of 12,000 Euros and that win more of this amount they will have to contribute with 1% until a 3% to a bottom to finance the unemployment insurance.

Also new rates will be introduced on the houses appraised over the 200,000 Euros and on goods like luxury automobiles, mansions, yachts and swimming pools in particular gardens. An excellent point of the program is the privatization of assets of the State, that along with the privatizations of state companies, is destined to collect 50,000 million Euros until 2015. The cut of social benefits and contributions of the State to the s pensions s was of 833 million this year and 5,400 million between 2012 and 2015, which, along with cuts of wages and dismissals, will increase the climate of social displeasure. Papandru hopes that the European partners tend the hand once again to him to help him with a second plan of additional rescue to the 110,000 million Euros granted in 2010, to less than reduce the rampant fiscal deficit of 10.5% of the GIP to 3% in 2015. Source of the news: The Greek Government approves the new plan of adjustment to be able to obtain more money of the EU

Government and Economy

The ex-president of the Government affirms that the crisis is fruit of " very bad decisions taken in the last aos". It thinks that &quot exists the one danger; desintegracin" of the Eurozona. The ex-president of the Spanish Government Jos Maria Aznar alerted in Washington, the USA, of which the European Union (the EU) as he is today can become " insostenible" , because of the deep present crisis derived from " very bad decisiones" seizures in the last years. " There is a serious risk of which the EU we know as it today can be insostenible" , Aznar, that he was president of the Spanish Government between 1996 and 2004, in a forum in Washington organized by the School said Paul H. Nitze of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) of the University Johns Hopkins.

Europe " a very deep crisis is living, but we will be able to leave ella" , it maintained the ex-president, who argued that he has been arrived at the present situation because of " very bad decisions taken in the last aos". Without analyzing those decisions, Aznar commented that the problem has been in " olvidar" commitments and rules, and in " to deny deuda". Nowadays a risk of &quot exists; desintegracin" of the Eurozona, it warned. In a round table with a reduced means group of Hispanic speech, the president of the United States, Barack Obama, urged Monday to the European to coordinate better his fiscal policies to solve the crisis of the debt. Greece, according to Obama, is right now " great problem inmediato" , but " the major problema" he is " what happens in Spain and Italy if the markets continue attacking against those countries very grandes". Source of the news: Aznar warns of " serious riesgo" from which the present European Union becomes " insostenible"