Individual Unconsciously Competent

When we talk about quality, it means that what is done is well and can one be proud of their performance; It only remains to assess whether to speak about quality implies competitiveness. From the individual context, you can say that the end of competitiveness is make man a better businessman because of anything it serves to produce goods and services, if they do not intend to insert a successfully in a market. Individual competitiveness, i.e. the challenge laying down in order to achieve personal goals, group or organizational, represents commit to an activity where you can develop comfortably about their skills and competencies. It is not easy to find in that are clever or scenario we operate better, although self-evaluation and professional support can help, the important thing is to be clear about the purpose of defining our skills as well as the attitude of continuous preparation. What follows is commit to being the best in our field of action which mainly involves willingness, that will mean that to the do what we do will results not only a good performance but quality and competitiveness; whose benefits will be for oneself and the environment in addition to gaining such maturity to allow us to be prepared for any changes that may arise. Of course that in the process of recognizing what we know make and purchase commitment to be best raised several changes and incongruities difficult to take but are necessary in order to be unconsciously competent individuals. Finally, it is important that once achieved the individual goal is can scale to the social and organizational working groups who belong.

Great Nations

I don’t know who started, I do not think that anyone knew at any moment, I do not think that you matter really. Missiles They flew all over the planet, in a few minutes razed what had cost centuries building. The impacts ended with major cities, the majority of the population died instantly. Nuclear winter started to propagate the closer who had not died by the explosion. In a few hours a cloud of radioactive death covered the entire planet. Huge amounts of dust and smoke were emitted to the atmosphere by hiding the Sun. Only a small percentage of the world’s population survived, but for a short time, they are already dead although they do not want to accept it.

Walking and why you believe to be alive, but the radioactivity has rotted her flesh, are just dying bodies closer to death than in life. Relegated to a physical status below the diseased rats. They take little to disappear. The last human on this planet will die in a short time. Since always, since they acquired intelligence that differentiated them from other species, they also acquired envy and selfishness. Although they were quite ready to understand that they would better in their own community, always your foolish pride and irrational selfishness made them distrust each other, trying to improve, not beating themselves with the help of others, if not stepping on each other, eliminating a supposed competitor at any cost and at any price. The power.

How many wars has caused? The hierarchy of Government was created to improve their quality of life, to establish an order. But once again aroused ambition and human selfishness. His self-destructive, latent in the essence of the human being, nature makes its appearance every moment, converting every achievement to get into something more so that fight. Great Nations faced by longing and conquest of power.

The Lumbar

It needs less space than a recumbent bicycle and simulates the movement of a street bike. They emphasize the use of quadriceps (superior frontal muscle of the leg). Recumbents spinning: the user’s position is more horizontal, with the legs almost parallel to the ground and back secured by the support of the saddle. It is lighter for the lumbar area and exercises above all the area of the biceps femoris and the buttocks rather than a standard bicycle. Resistance: First: the majority of initiation models use a system of friction resistance as a brake drum or tape. They are very simple and have limited operating programs. Second: They are also the aerodynamic resistance, using a device of blade; greater pedaling = greater strength and greater difficulty. They tend to be more reliable and long-lived, because not to be friction and move the air with its internal system there is less wear.

Third: electro magnetic resistance, giving an effect smoother and more quiet. Its price is usually higher, and they include default programs and interactive heart rate monitor. Materials: there are different types of materials. You should take into account while more solid is, more will last. And, even more, if the person that you will use of very high or robust complexion.

Good optional (a little more expensive bikes): heart rate Monitor: which detects your pulse. They may be on the handlebar, and with simple contact show you rate your heart beats. Remember that, for most people, the most effective pace of training is between 70-80% of maximum rate. Depending on the models, now with boards spinning bikes can find electronic high-efficiency when it comes to give you useful data for your training. You can also find models with rear wheels for easy movement. Original author and source of the article.

The Beliefs

The worker against his own attitude is also required work, this attitude is based on the beliefs and values that the worker develops their own work. You have to take into account, that attitudes are determined jointly by the current characteristics of the post as the perceptions that the worker has than it should be.Generally three kinds of employee characteristics that affect the perceptions of the should be are: the needs, values and personal traits of reach and impact job satisfaction is related to organizational climate of the company and job performance. I believe that it is essential to remember that workers are people, and therefore, is fundamental for them to feel that their work makes great, is important, recognized and has a purpose. All human beings have these basic psychological needs and many of them are not covered by the administrative and managerial systems of companies, focused on numbers and statistics forget that their structures are shaped by people. Does would not be different if? organizational structures encourage the development of the people who comprise it? Wouldn’t that be a benefit for companies and for workers? It perhaps is that we fear of developing the individual because we think can convert in competition or present difficulties? We consider that we still haven’t learned the lesson of winning-winning than about how many academics for decades that they come saying and we are still involved in systems that do not allow the maximum development of individuals and therefore neither organizations. I consider it necessary that employers provide grains of sand in this field, starting from the inside change to make work in a dignified, enjoyable, constructive activity. After all, most work during the greater part of life do not deserve all have fun while we do something for our society? And if this has an impact on productivity is anyone who may object to doing so? Conclusions modern management should be attentive in keeping motivated their human resources, doing their work to provide the benefits established, guaranteeing a great satisfaction in the performance. Bear in mind as Molina points out: to be happy at work must reflect 2 things 1) which both contribute that work for our personal fulfillment?, if you are of people who think they pay them for doing something that seems so fascinating to them and which would make free or as hobby if there were a job as well, are on a track toward the motivation. He will never stop having ups and downs, but these are not reasons to make you decide to change jobs original author and source of the article.


She is a woman of 40 years who was born and lives in Africa. Three young children seen as placing a pot with water with something on fire. And they continue looking like hypnotized. Soon the water vapor caracolea cheerful on the bowl. They are eight o’clock in the afternoon and the Sun is about to be.

Children watch the steam peering. Finally, defeat them the dream. The woman puts out the fire and tends with his sons. On the inside of the pot there is only water and stones. It is not literature. It is a real event that I read in some material from Intermon Oxfam: the appeal of a woman sub-Saharan so that their children fall asleep without anguish, despite not having nothing to dinner. The shame of hunger again plaguing the planet. Two World Food Summit (1996 and 2002) undertook to eradicate it as global objective of development and the Millennium Summit (2000) approved to reduce hunger by half by 2015.

But today there are more hungry people. According to figures from FAO, the UN agency to combat hunger, in 1990 there were 823 million hungry people and in 2007, 861. In addition to that failure that the increase in the price of food has caused a real crisis of hunger. In 2007, the price of food increased by 40%, denounces the FAO. The price of rice has exceeded the $1,000 per tonne (47% increase in a month). And wheat, corn and soybeans have doubled its price in a year. Price increases that affect Mexico, Indonesia and Yemen, which does not suffer food emergencies. In China, the price of food has risen by 21%. Nobody is protected from inflation contagion, proclaims the editorial of a newspaper, as if it were a viral epidemic. But hunger is not unpredictable catastrophe, misfortune or sent by the gods or cataclysm of the destination.