Strategic Missile Forces

Five wheeled Caterpillar bulldozers leveled the exact copy of the main area of the country to rehearse for parades of hundreds of military vehicles. According to company representatives engaged in rental of special equipment and services under its maintenance, bulldozers worked for two months (March to May). It happened in suburban Alabino in the location of the Taman Division. 60 days in a polygon, which is commonly used by the military for destruction of munitions found or testing of new, transformed into an ideal space for a rehearsal of military parades. Operators of construction machinery have a unique mission: to recreate the Red Square with all its turns, descents, and even small rises so that, once on the pavement of this area, drivers, mechanics are easy to navigate in the maneuvers. The project was also surprising because this scale military parades, as occurred, and more are planned this year, the country has not seen for more than 17 years.

For obvious reasons, multiple rehearsal passage of hundreds of pieces of military equipment to the Red Square is almost impossible. One need only mention that among the best examples of cars in the parade should be involved infantry fighting vehicles and assault, self-propelled "Octopus", anti-aircraft complexes and systems of "Favorite", "TOP", "BEECH", T-90 tanks, armored scouts Tiger, mobile missile complexes Strategic Missile Forces, "Topol-M. Because the federal budget has allocated funds for the development, design, rental of construction equipment and hiring qualified for pometrovogo recreate the central area of Russia. According to representatives of legislative bodies, such scope in preparation for a parade and a mass patriotic spectacle speaks about the power of Power. Get a first impression of thorough preparation could already May 9: – I believe that such large-scale parades are not just appropriate, but necessary, – said deputy Sergei Nikitin.

– In this way we demonstrate the outside world their strength, morale. To cool hot heads in some other countries. And the more solemn, we will celebrate our victory, the better. It has nothing to be ashamed.