Personal Development

It's over, continues … – You must always know when you finish a stage of life. If you insist on staying in it, beyond time, you lose the joy and sense of rest. – Closing circles, or closing doors or closing chapters, whatever you call it: the important thing is to close them. – The important thing is to let go moments in life that are closing. Did you finish your work? Do you ended the relationship? Do not you live over in that house? Should you go away? Is the friendship over? – You spend too much time on this, asking and trying to understand the whys of this or that fact. – All, without exception: you, me, your children, your siblings, etc.

we are committed to be closing chapters. To turn the page. At the end stages or moments of life and to move forward. – We can not be in this longing for the past. Not even wondering why. – What happened, happened.

And you have to let go, you have to de-latch. – We can be children eternal, or late teens or employees of non-existent or have links with those who do not want to be linked to us. – The facts go and let them go! – That's why sometimes is so important to destroy souvenirs, gift present, moving house. Breaking papers, throwing papers, selling books or giving things away. – The external changes can symbolize overcoming internal processes: let go, drop, discard. – In life no one played with marked cards and we must learn to lose and win.