Origin And Evolution Of The Currency

These communities had been growing, semultiplicando and if expanding, and forming other familiar nuclei, they queprocuravam to delimit its areas hunting and food plantation parasubsistncia of the nuclei. The beginning of the rationalization process is had agricultural deatividades, while detubrculos nuclei if dedicated to the culture, others cultivated grains there and others dedicated the hunting. This> economiaprimitiva functioned the base of trade, that if defines for pure and simple trocade merchandises, and of more value was the ox and the salt. 2-AERA OF the MERCHANDISE CURRENCY: the evolution of the society imposes the necessity of sefacilitar the exchanges of merchandises.

The man starts to choose only produtocomo referencial of exchange for the merchandises, something that had value and fosseaceito for all as such. It is the ticket of the exchange, the trade of a product poroutro, for the indirect exchanges, made through something with intrinsic value. Some examples: ) the dAntiguidade up to 410: in Egypt the currency was the copper; in India it was the domestic animals, rice and metals; in China it was, shells, silk, salt and cereals. b) Average nIdade, of 410 a1.453: in the Alenanha, the currency was the cattle, cereals and honey; in Russia it was the cattle and silver; in Japan it was copper, pearl and rice. c) Modern nIdade, de1.453 the 1.789: in U.S.A., the currency was the tobacco, cereals, wood and cattle; in France it was precious metals and cereals; in Japan it was the rice. The cattle was the merchandise currency more used, therefore it had umavantagem in relation ace others, while he was kept as a saving, essamoeda increased by means of the reproduction, relieved interests. But also it had suasdesvantagens, the cattle could not be divided in changed.