Good News For Equal Treatment And Pensions In The BAV

Press release of the febs Consulting GmbH, September 23, 2010 good news for equal treatment and pensions in pension – from the day of the bAV at febs consulting on 21 and 22 September 2010 febs consulting back personnel and bAV charge larger enterprises to the traditional days of the pension after Grasbrunn near Munich invited. After giving an overview of lawyer Thorsten Walther of the jurisdiction of the last few months, febs Managing Director took up some particularly important for the bAV judgments Andreas Buttler and explained the practical importance. A significant relief to supply works with survivor’s pensions the BAG brings judgment of April 20, 2010. Is the BAG had been standing to an employer, a survivor’s pension on the case to restrict that marriage before the Ausscheiden the company was closed. According to the judge, nothing would thus taken an outgoing worker what he already had during its service time. According to he febs is the verdict from a practical standpoint of importance.

Because with a departing employee the employer usually never learns when the employee is married. We know many supply works, where the employers over the years across pays insurance premiums for no longer vorhandene spouses and the actual spouses are not covered but”explains febs-chef Andreas Buttler and is pleased that this can be avoided in the future more easily. A piece of good news has given the BAG by judgment of December 22, 2009 for the GleichbeHandlung in the bAV. In the judgment the judge made it clear once again that the principle of equal treatment only applies if a generalisierendes principle is recognizable for the CPS in the company? Besserstellungen individual individuellen reasons are possible, without thereby all other staff could make similar claims. But the experts of the febs have nevertheless a warning ready: often overlooked,. clearly agree that the better “single letter instead of usual care occurs and is not granted. See a complete overview of all treated the contents of two days updates.

At the end of the two days of the workshop at febs all participants agreed, that the last few months have brought not only new restriktionen for the CPS, but also many new creative possibilities. Who wants to take advantage of these opportunities, should be technically, legally informed”stressed the two febs CEO and immediately took the opportunity to the participants to introduce the new seminar program 2010/2011 of the febs Academy. In addition to the classical topics the Academy from January 2011 the update seminar series offers also current challenges in the bAV”. Seminars at to find the full seminar program. Your contact of febs Consulting GmbH Andreas Buttler CEO in the high field 3 85630 Grasbrunn/Munchen Tel. 089 / 890 42 86-10 as we employers in all questions relating to pension and TimeValue accounts consult independent experts and certified pension consultant. We analyze and refurbish existing power plants, create actuarial opinion of balance of and assist employers in the implementation of the new balance of power.