Service Interval Engine

If the filter is made of non-conforming filter media, it quickly becomes clogged and the engine “choking”. Pereobogaschennaya working mixture leads to increased fuel consumption and worsen the dynamic properties of the engine. For example, the minimum fuel consumption obtained with excess air for about 20%. Clogged filter can cause loss of power up to 10%. The feeling that the engine “does not pull” and is a symptom of the fact that it was time to change the air filter. It is worth paying attention to another extreme – this is where, despite the dusty road, that time would be in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations? and change the filter, it does not lead to loss of power and can still work. Deceptive “efficiency” will result in sideways – “windfall” of engine failure.

The reasons may be three. The first – an unscrupulous manufacturer uses a filter paper or nonwoven fabric with a larger pore size through which the abrasive particles fly into the engine. Second – poor quality paper is torn and the engine also gets an overdose of dust. And the third – gapping filter raw air rushes into the engine, bypassing the filter element. That avoid unexpected problems should pay attention to the filter material, information on which bona fide filter manufacturers suggest. That material is defined as a filter to deal with this controversial task as an effective filtering and minimum power loss. Resource of 100,000 kilometers: fantasy or reality? Resource filters are the most common cars in Russia is 10-30 thousand? kilometers.

In dusty conditions of the Russian roads (or off-road) real? resource can be two to three times less. Conversely, in winter when the air is clean and fresh, the filter becomes clogged less. While domestic producers job of the production of air filters, which can withstand mezhservisny mileage of 10-30 thousand miles. However, the world’s automotive manufacturers in the new models are increasingly implementing the principle of a large mezhserivsnogo interval -? LSI (Large Service Interval). Air filters for a run at 10-30 thousand miles no longer fits the parameters of LSI. High mileage count? resource of 50 000 kilometers. It can not be achieved by using filters with a curtain of conventional cellulose which physically can not stand so long loads. Acceptable results in 50? 000 kilometers company Hollingsworth & Vose achieved through the use of technology Nanoweb (modified cellulose with a special coating), significantly which increases dust holding capacity filter elements. The material of tomorrow promises to be as corrugated synthetic variable density with an electrostatic charge, which provides a distance of 100 sq km. The principle of the “filter variable density “, made of materials” Hollingsvors “based on the fact that the outer layers of the material acts as a pre-filter. That air filters of new materials and the future belongs.

The Hood

On that note, they decided – to be four gas cylinders of 30 liters each. True, the cost of this kit has risen by 14 thousand. … So, for ease of installation removed the hood, the front wheels, remove the duct, the air filter box, the top half of the intake manifold, battery and washer tank glass. At the same time as a mechanic, Dmitry was made metal frame to fit the luggage compartment "Nissan", which later served as the locker frame. In the frame enclosed and secured with metal straps four gas tank (30 liters size 200h1052 mm, a Polish company Stako).

Next cylinders connected in parallel between a copper tubing. One of the tubes went on ride-recharging device (OVC), which is located in the tank hatch and need to refuel the car with gas, and the second – on the gas valve, located under the floor, in rear of the car. By the way, this valve is used for cutting off gas supply when the machine is switched off or running on gasoline. A similar unit is placed on the gas and gear under the hood. Between both valves are connected backbone tube, passing underneath the car away from the friction and heat-generating components. The very specificity of the machine on propane-butane is quite simple: the gas, moving in a liquefied state in gear and evaporating from the cooling system, the hose goes to the gas filter, whose task is to purify the vapor phase (also built into the filter temperature sensors, gas pressure and vacuum collectors).