Candlelight Flash

Have you ever tried to shoot digital camera photos in dim light by candlelight? The result can be spectacular from the warm lights twinkling lights reflected from the model's face (you feel the romance?). But photographed in such low light challenge. That – a few tips on how to get the perfect portrait by candlelight! 1. Turn off the flash Let's start with the obvious things. We all tried to take pictures with flash in low light, and were disappointed with the result, because of the fact that the flash is fully kill the ambient light.

If you want warm lighting of the candles, turn off the flash, yes, yes, turn off it altogether. There are of course exceptions – see paragraph 15 below. 2. Use a tripod a little more about the obvious – shooting by candlelight, means that around very little light, which in turn means that it is necessary to use long extracts, due to which the chance to get a handshake is very high. Use a tripod, make sure that the camera is motionless as possible. It is also desirable to use a remote control (or cable release) to avoid camera shake when you press the shutter. 3.

Add candles biggest problem shooting with candles is the lack of sufficient light. Add a candle, of course, they will produce more light, which gives more flexibility when it comes to setting shutter speed, aperture and iso. 4. Place candles use a candle or a few closely spaced, will make the shadows too harsh.