Canaan Through Desert

God, by means of Moiss and of its twig (cayado), released to the town of Israel of the slavery of Egypt, sending 10 warnings (plagues) to the opresor, without affecting the pressed one, reason by which the town of Israel left Egypt praising and glorifying God. Imagnese to a multitude of almost two million people fleeing joyful from the furnace of the slavery of Egypt. Suddenly the town is cornered, defenseless and paralyzed in front of the Red Sea ahead, and to the most powerful army of the Pharaoh behind. The town of Israel is in front of a sea impossible to cross and an army impossible to win, Israel depended again on the power of God to libar itself of these two gigantic enemies humanly impossible to win. Instead of to trust the power of God, the desperate town I stop praising and glorifying God, forgetting that with hand strong and extended arm it had released them to God of the furnace of the slavery of Egypt.

Now, the discouraged and terrified town began with first of an interminable list of complaints and back-biting against Moiss and against God, saying: why they removed to us from Egypt and so that they brought to us to this so unfortunate place to die drowned in the sea or to perish transferred by saetas of the Pharaoh? Suddenly, a cloud interposed between the released town and I exercise armed. Jehovah of the armies had descended surrounded in a cloud to provide a miraculous exit. A cloud that granted light to him during the night and shades during the day the town of Israel, whereas it granted darknesses during the day and the night to him to the army of the Pharaoh. Still more, the twig that had made descend the plagues on Egypt, now separated waters of the Red Sea, creating a way of exit for the town of Israel, that surprised and shamed, crossed hastily loading a little food, escazas tinajas with water and many animal.