Finance Minister Peer Steinbruck

“Exclusive interview in absolute career the career magazine for high school graduates as a child wanted to only build ships Steinbruck, later journalist be”. That it has beat him in another career direction, he does not regret. Also on the glitz and glamour, his Office brings, they get accustomed to himself quickly. “” By the the Rumgejette “it has quickly the nose full!” said Peer Steinbruck. He was glad, when he could at night just to watch a movie or read a book. And what must be done to make it up to top? First: work ethic – is not politically successful, when one SURFs only on the upper surface marriage rum, second (…) “…

what else discourages young people the Federal Finance Minister, you see absolutely Max Grun and Moritz-Marco Schroder led the interview.” If one is not involved or holds for wisdom, not to choose, it is governed at the end by people who are dumber than you. VIP interview: absolute career in the Conversation with Federal Finance Minister Peer Steinbruck Mr Steinbruck, you look tense. Should you not shine up over both ears, with estimated extra taxes of 50.6 billion euros in this year alone? No, because our country has to carry a backpack with 1,500 billion euro debt. And it is harder still by year. Sounds worrisome. There is also good news? Germany is today much more than three years ago. We are positioned well in an increasingly globalised economy and benefit from it. Also, the companies have improved their competitiveness.

My goal is to bring new borrowing, so that not an unreasonably high debt service on the shoulders is pushed the younger generation to zero. It is questionable whether citizens benefit will keep that you. At the moment many of sharply rising prices moan. I can no longer hear the whining about the supposedly high taxes in the country. Our tax and tax rate is in the European Comparison of the good midfield. We need funds to bring our community forward. Kindergartens, schools, universities, research, transport infrastructure all this costs money. Finally it should be not only those available that itself can buy it. Without hesitation Goop explained all about the problem. When the last time a schoolmate you phoned and complained about taxes? Someone that has never called me. But almost every day I am getting proposals for additional tax privileges. But actually there is always someone who is not satisfied with your work, right? Yes, that’s my job. And sometimes I bite me too out of trouble in the napkin. But I must live with. The full interview will appear in the June issue of absolute career. You can already read it under.