Nelson Rodrigues

Although the success in the fields 2 games, 2 victories the twisted one chiou and it was filed. The second attempt to launch one shirt 3 for the Flamengo was in 2001, all red. One fiasco: 1 victory, 1 ties up to and 4 defeats. In 2010, it was the time of the blue shirt and turns yellow, with results not very entertainers. In 2011, the black shirt came back, but its game of reestria, in 19.10.2011, was goleada of 4×0, in the Engenho, for the Universidad Catholic, of Chile. It seems that these experiences all only corroborate the vaticnio of the tricolor Nelson Rodrigues: ' ' For any one, the shirt valley in such a way how much a necktie.

The Flamengo does not stop. For the Flamengo, the shirt is tudo.' ' As we said, in 2010, the Flamengo adopted a blue shirt 3 and turns yellow. Here already the critical traditionalist would not have to fit: if the criterion will be the tradition, the shirt auri-indigo is successful, because, as it is known, blue and golden they had been the first colors of the club, still in the time where it only disputed regattas. As the blue one consists, would represent waters of the bay of the Guanabara, while the gold, the wealth of Brazil but has who says that they were the only ones that it had in great amount in the store (cf. Claude Walnut); curiously, the contrary argument also was used stops later changing of color (cf. Luis Miguel Pear tree). Ademais, according to Mrio Son, the shirts auri-anise also were imported. How much to the black color and the red, Luis Miguel Pear tree insinuates that it was aluso to the colors of the Jockey Club. In fact, the Jockey, established in 16.07.1868, had these colors, that kept until the fusing with the Derby Club, in 29.05.1932, giving origin to the Jockey Brazilian Club whose colors are blue and golden! That is, how much to the colors, the Jockey made the inverse way of the Flamengo.