Lena In The Potato Hotel Luneburger Heide

Potato is name sponsor for a new hotel rooms in honor of Lena Lena Meyer-Landrut, the sympathetic well from Hanover, has managed BBs, literally everyone is talking about. Finally it did you, to win the Grand Prix for Germany after almost 30 years and not only that, with her natural nature has conquered the hearts of the people in the storm. The team from the 1st German potato-Hotel Luneburg Heath in the village of round Lubeln has to get infected by the general enthusiasm for Lena Meyer-Landrut. After all, the potato in the Hanoverian Wendland and thus close to Lena’s hometown of Hanover is located. “After now the first Rapture, searches and indeed we have the register of potato varieties: there, the potato variety called Lena”! Funny way the potato variety Lena has the same birth year as Lena Meyer-Landrut. It was approved in 1991. This however remains the only commonality, because this Lena is no lower Saxony product, but a Polish Potato variety.

The potato Lena”is a pale, floury variety of potato, which is especially suitable for French fries. It, is exactly like Lena Meyer-Landrut, also on everyone’s lips… To appreciate the musical prodigy Lena, potato hotel has decided now to honor to you baptize a new room on the name Lena, because in the potato-hotel, style, each room is named after a particular potato variety. At the time is worked in the nearby pottery at an appropriate door sign in the form of potato. And who knows, maybe Lena is looking even a peaceful part of the world Yes the whole hustle and bustle; then Lubeln in the Hanoverian Wendland is in the village of round always welcome and let’s see then maybe you will be in your”room stay? More info: lena potato /.