Trade Union

Although both defeated Germany and settled his troops of occupation in West of the defeated nation, his military victory occurred at the expense of losing its previous space on the world stage and have to get rid of their units having been higher overseas empires that were. They coordinated in various processes and even drove to Israel invades Egypt in 1956 when its President Nasser nationalized the Suez canal. Despite these affinities the cordial Entente had strong contradictions. Charles de Gaulle made France withdraws from the integrated command of NATO to have its own military structure in 1966, and although that Republic has been reinstating certain structures of this, there are still tensions. France has wanted to be a part of the Atlantic Alliance but maintaining its independence and shock to us, something that differs from the total subordination to other countries they have had against Washington. The United Kingdom has sought to maintain a strategic alliance with the United States, being a mainstay of NATO and has recently been the main ally of Washington in attacking Afghanistan and Iraq, France, is in NATO but in a limited manner, has dyed strong friction with the US and its strategy has gone through to make Europe a more, to adopt its own Constitution, currency and armed forces. The socio-economic structure of both powers is different. In the United Kingdom Margaret Thatcher from 1979 he began a great conservative transformation that began a series of privatizations and des-regularizaciones which overturned several props from the social welfare State and the power of trade unions and the hard left (the same that no longer has any greater electoral impact and weight of which Trade Union has declined sharply). While the United Kingdom was not occupied by the nazis and did not have any violent alteration in the postwar era, France came out of World War II with the Communists as its largest mass party and a strong militia leaders.