Stuttgart Currency

Despite exchange rate risk, small and medium-sized enterprises can lead stable business homo oeconomicus has had its day. Science recognizes this more and more. Recent research results show that every person ultimately decides in the belly. The mind provides only a rational explanation for the decision. This happens in fractions of a second, so that we of become aware of difficult. Realizing this, we must learn our bellies, our intuition, to understand, to avert negative consequences and use for our own benefit. An example: exchange rate risks – in the face of a looming currency war alive.

The Esslinger expert for currency management in small and medium-sized enterprises, Cristof Ensslin, has an interactive scenario analysis and strategy development method is designed: “Forex. A strategy game.” The creator this literally playful approach is convinced: “in this simulation participants experience in just one minute and 40 seconds, what role your Play emotions when making decisions.” The fun in the game won findings are applicable to other areas of the company, he adds. In a two-hour afternoon workshop November Monday, 15, 2010, in Stuttgart, he forwards to entrepreneurs and companies handlebar through the highly exciting process of strategy development. The result: Security in a changing environment. More information can be found on the Internet at.

Small companies with up to 20 employees are the engine of our economy. The entrepreneurs behind it faces in terms of export and import questions as: How do I get stable cash flows despite fluctuating exchange rates? How do I liquidity? How do I get the best exchange rate? Its ongoing development and that of their company is important, find answer to these questions except for Edwards in banks and savings banks. The American investor legend Warren Buffet is quoted as saying: “If you don’t control your emotions, you have also your money not under control.” Where yesterday the homo economicus as the only true Model was, has a different image to days the practical present. Successful entrepreneurs of today know that they can rely not only on their minds. In addition to the IQ, the importance of the so-called EQ – Emotionsquozient – increasingly comes to light. Who recognizes this and takes himself full responsibility for his actions, can look confidently in the eye of the future. About mindfull FX: Mindfull FX helps small and medium-sized enterprises, to turn into opportunities through proven trading strategies for currency exchange risks. The consulting firm based in Cologne and now in the Swabian Esslingen drawn to was launched early 2010 from the expert for conscious and effective currency management in the mid-market, Cristof Ensslin, in life. mindfull FX is focused to make medium-sized companies bars in Germany as easy and profitable as possible dealing with foreign exchange risks