Network Marketing

1) Most of the newcomers to the Internet network business expect quick results. They think that if they join the ranks of a company, so immediately gush cash flow. The bitter truth is that even if you have a super a unique product or offering, you still turn to you do not line up. Why? First of all, next to you hundreds, even thousands of "partners" who are doing the same, which means that the client must go to you, not vice versa. Myself to you no one comes, and if it comes, then why to you? Secondly, and this is much more important, modern man is so constituted that when it is something imposed by means of network marketing, it has triggered a defense mechanism. Apparently, sad lessons of modern Russian history, plus the cliche of dubious individuals who go from door to door and try to vparim "amazing" products, and "practically free", you only have to pay 10,000 rubles for delivery. Although, in fact network marketing – a fundamental mechanism that is studied in all the leading economic universities in the world. But the average person rarely thinks about that on this principle and that any sale, one way or another, all of our lives MLM. The fact that when it comes to the supermarket – is a network, it is not just one person, and a room with a staff, that huge corporations allowed to work in this area, even service Google AdSense provides such an opportunity.