Much More Than A Necessary Evil: Job Descriptions

Job descriptions for the personal development and job descriptions are considered the performance evaluation in many companies rather necessary evil due to the supposedly high administrative maintenance effort, whose only raison d’etre consists only in a normative requirement of the ISO 9001. But far from! Job descriptions are written descriptions of jobs by means of which work objectives, tasks, skills, authority and representatives are recorded accurately. In the literature, as well as in entrepreneurial practice there is no standard for job descriptions has established itself, making variations to be found en masse. In terms of content can a job description following information contain the description and characterization of a job in the company, the individual duties and responsibilities of the jobholder, by the Jobholder to bring skills and qualifications and organizational involvement in the companies with supervisors and management responsibility. In many companies, the basic tenor, is that it is at Job descriptions is just an annoying rules, which generates no added value for the company and its employees except for a high administrative burden.

As a result, numerous outdated job descriptions languish unnoticed in the cabinets of the company itself, which no longer match the points actually to describe. Job descriptions bringing a benefit should not be underestimated in terms of the personnel policy! Job descriptions constitute the basis for hiring and training new employees. They also supported the identification of training needs in the company. Both employees / Jobholder, as managers also benefit from existing, current job descriptions with regard to their training and basic orientation in the company. A job description lists all set requirements on the respective jobholders in terms of competences and qualifications, which the employees required to meet this point high. Matched by a resilient and consistent indicators for the human resources development are generated with the actual skills of the employee and the Delta, where appropriate, arising from this.

Bernhard Lehner Spengergasse

The new product already reaps first fruits at UPC. Gerhard Feimer, head of personnel at UPC says: through our image video on, we will achieve more attention for our vacancies. At the same time potential applicants in a very simple way there a glimpse behind the scenes at UPC.” The UPC-image video is here: company/2795/upc-austria on with 450,000 monthly visitors, 5,000 jobs from Austria’s top companies and a pool of applicants with thousands of highly qualified candidates is the leading Austrian career portal In addition to a semantic job search with advanced matching capabilities, offers the possibility to the entry of the personal career profile in the candidate database, as well as a wide range of information on the topics of career and vocational training candidates. offers organizations a steadily growing recruiting network for the optimal approach of the right candidates, such as MSN, Wirtschaftsblatt, format, etc. Currently, over 3 million potential candidates about the recruiting network be reached. about JobTV24 JobTV24 is a specialist for video-based communication in the Internet in the field of recruiting and employer branding. As the largest European video platform, the company’s professional video production, video distribution, as well as targeted placement of Recruitingvideos in up to 60 international career portals and places stock exchanges offers for job and career. More than 500 companies and organizations with around 1500 movies among the customers of JobTV24. JobTV24 is Gold winner in the best of corporate publishing award in the category of digital media-best use of video”and awarded with the German IPTV award. More info at: page / press contact i5comm for Bernhard Lehner Spengergasse 37-39 1050 Vienna phone: + 43 664 439 86 09 E-Mail: