North Western Andalusia

The showers and thunderstorms will prevail from the North. The Center – East of the country and the Balearic Islands will remain in yellow alert due to high temperatures. Skies cleared almost throughout the country, although some areas will have occasional rainfall. Time will continue to be unstable with showers and storms in the northwest quadrant of the Peninsula, and can be very strong in different areas of Galicia, and the temperatures drop slightly on Monday, according to the Agencia Estatal de Meteorologia (Aemet). However, will remain in yellow alert (risk) by high temperatures Lleida and Majorca which can record temperatures of 38 degrees; Barcelona with 37 degrees; Teruel, Zaragoza, Huesca, Tarragona, Girona and Navarre which may reach 36 degrees, and Ibiza, Formentera and Menorca with 34 degrees. A total of 28 provinces may have maximum temperatures above 30 degrees in this start to the week, while 24 provinces will not fall 20 degrees both by day and by night. In general, temperatures will have a descent moderate, except in the Mediterranean area where does not expect many changes from the previous days.

In addition will be on orange alert (important) by heavy rains and storms the Galician provinces of Pontevedra, Orense, A Coruna and Lugo where could exceed the 30 liters in an hour. They will continue in yellow alert by precipitation Cantabria, Toledo, avila, Segovia, Palencia, Zamora, Salamanca, Valladolid, Madrid and Asturias which is expected to collect 15 litres per square metre at the time this Monday. The northwest quadrant of the Peninsula provide showers and weak storms that will be locally heavy and persistent until noon on Monday, especially in Galicia where they will be strong. During the early morning these rainfall might affect Madrid and Toledo, tending to refer throughout the day. Is also likely that these summer storms affect more weakly in the Bay of Biscay, high Ebro, Aragon West, Western Pyrenees, North Western Andalusia and Extremadura where heaven they will be cloudy to tending a little cloudy. In the rest of the Peninsula will have clear skies, like that in the Canary Islands, except at the northern end of the Islands where the expected cloudless and the possibility of some weak rain this week start. Finally, the component West wind will blow moderately in the littoral of Alboran, and loose to moderate on the Cantabrian coast and Andalusia. In the Canary Islands there will be intervals strong Northeast component, and South into the interior of the Peninsula. Source of the news: unstable time from Monday in all Spain, with a slight drop in temperatures