Tattooing permanent Makeup

These historians, researchers and scholars as Herodotus, Marco Polo and James Cook, who had the opportunity to learn and talk about the existence of tattooing, its forms and meanings in different countries could not afford even to imagine that derivative of this millennial technology – mikropigmentirovanie (often incorrectly referred to as "Micropigmentation") will become in 1998 one of the "star" procedures in the beauty centers and institutes around the world yesterday and If today to trace the origin of tattooing, its development and application of a cosmetic purposes until the item at a time when the term originated, "mikropigmentirovanie", it becomes clear that everything had changed appliances products, tools, equipment, and finally, the goal, purpose … Sure, the explosion in demand for this type of care, as well as those involved in this sphere of business interests make it possible to foresee in the near future an unprecedented technical leap in the field of aesthetics, which is now difficult to imagine the modern emergence mikropigmentirovaniya, or permanent makeup, we should look at having a one thousand year history of tattooing equipment, of which originate from different systems on the development, application products appliances and accessories which are gradually distancing themselves from their origins in order to become a separate sector of differentiated professional business geographically located where is the birthplace of modern art tattoos? Prevailed among the people is a belief, which gave reason to believe that thousands of years of engineering tattooing originated in China, has recently been refuted by the discoveries, research and development in the field of anthropology, spent in the last decade, they have confirmed the fact of even more ancient the use of tattoos in Europe …! This form of body decoration has been used 8000 years BC. .